...you really do love me don't you?
- working hard to start a new home and life together with me..
- bathing me and putting me to sleep when I'm drunk and emotional
- getting those cute blue pillows coz I've always hankered after them
- trying your best to spy on me so you can buy me something I want
- walking on the outer part of the road
- opening the door for me
- always letting me go first
- always letting me talk first
- always letting me win
- no matter how tired you are, you always try to humor me
- putting toothpaste on my toothbrush long before I enter the bathroom
- picking up after me
- running around trying to make things comfortable for me
- working hard to make my life better, but missing me all the while
- no matter how hard it is, you always learn new words in my dialect and say it bravely to everyone you meet
- singing my favourite songs to me, even without knowing the lyrics
- trying to teach me guitar and helping me out when I forget
- asking me to play with your beloved NFS cars, even they cost money when I bang them around
- always covering me with blankets even though I feel hot!
- kissing my hand coz you know it makes me feel special
- nuzzling my neck coz you know how tickled-happy I get
- waiting patiently while I buy shoes, shoes, shoes and more shoes
- actually giving me proper opinions when I go shopping
- leaving ciggies for me even though you have none to go to work with
- charging my phone when the batt is low, coz you know I won't do it til last minute
- bringing back as many books as you can find, so I won't be bored
- hugging me to sleep, coz you know I feel safe in your arms
- patiently carrying me around the pool while I was freaking out due to deep-water phobia just so I'd get over it
- keeping quiet when you're right and I'm terribly wrong
- constantly putting lotion on my skin so it won't dry out
- reminding me to take my medicine everynight - even though it sounds more like scolding than a reminder
- always leaving food for me esp. if you know it's my fave (except for times in Pin Kee, lol)