Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Sugar Highs!
So being on my sugar high, I did not sleep from 6pm Monday and finished work at 5am, then FlyingTengapoo and I were so tempted to go eat. Like when are we not. SO we met KingTimon at MackyDee's The Curve, and sat there til 11am. And I was just mentioning, "It's been damn long since I came jalan-jalan at The Curve. When I actually do come around here, it's too damn early." Mana tau, we stayed until everything was already open fullswing. -_-
While we were sitting there, I had to grab their packets of Grape Jam. Question of the day, "Why do they put concord grapes and red grapes in it?" Didn't bother figuring out. Pah. Was only interested in ingredients 2 and 3 (high fructose corn syrup and sugar). =D
Then we had to start daring each other to jam-eating competitions, and drink tons of sugar + jam in our tea. So, FlyingTengapoo ended up dizzy and with a headache, started groaning like *Pumbaa* (wise words: "When you trip, go with it. Don't freak out." After that, he didn't stop talking -_- ) And KingTimon had this bright-eyed, hyper look and he couldn't stop making faces. Me? I was laughing like an ass. As per usual. We really disrupted everyone's morning that day...
Went back, did some toiletry-shopping, and once back, I started cleaning. Even when IanPenguin came back, I still wasn't done... I only finished about 12midnight. And I had to say no to yamcha with YangTheTwin. I was the one saying he doesn't go out with us, and I had to eat my words. *sigh* I'm actually surprised I'm up so early, even though my sleep got disrupted. (Guilty Party = take note)
As I'm writing this, I'm damn hungry. I'm thinking of Nuernberger sausages, or...Wendy's but, people have said, it's like a more expensive version of McD. I'll just while my time away, and eat CARL'S JR when IanPenguin gets back. OOH = I don't know if this is true, but according to one of my chef lecturers, we actually had White Castle in Penang, just before Carl's Jr opened in.....1989 or so. DAYMN! It seems, they were wonderful. And only 99cents each. Hmm.. I wonder if mom took the liberty of expanding her 5yr old's tastebuds back then. I coulda have had a Harold Und Kumar burger. Or rather, in honour of them.
Ahhh.. must practice me French. Je ne ce pas parle francais. Ca va ne pas. *lol* just thinking of when Joshher and I kept talking in French on MSN. We'd only stop after one of us went beyond understandation. And it usually happens after only 4-5 lines.
I'm off to eat some more sugar! *skips off*
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Sugar Highper
"wtf. don't tell me no class."
Just as I was gonna freak out, AhFatt sauntered down, reading newspapers. *phewww*
Then Carolyn came from the cafeteria. I don't know why, but there's always some homing device somewhere around. Like I'll come early to college, go to the smoking zone and sit down. After a few puffs, everyone starts coming from everywhere to there. It's a pretty nice feeling. :D
As I didn't have anything to eat at work - cashless, too late for ATMs, no stock for biscuits AND some idiot spilled the whole 2kg packet of Milo on the floor, and tried washing it away. Ended up with a semi-dried floor with pools of Milo in random corners. -_-
It was that bad, that someone I remotely didn't know actually offered me his meal in the break room.
Thank you, Mr. Remote Man, it was a sweet thought.
So coming to college, I was hungry, highper and in between minds.. since class started late, I decided to have eggs and bread. Ended up with a meal of 3 eggs, and 4 slices of bread. Haven't eaten anything since 7am, except for some lychees (lychee me likee!) and some cold spaghetti sauce. Am hungry. Still gian'ing PHOP like mad. Still haven't gone. Still thinking.
Anyways, in class we did our first part of sugarwork... Pulled Sugar. Dammit. It's damn nice! I think I shall start exploring this part of culinary in my free time. It is way too interesting! We all had to make a flower. Sounds simple eh? HEH. nope nope.... I know Carolyn will upload the ones she took on her cam - better than the cacated ones I took..

The pulled sugar, cut into pieces and put under the lamp, to soften for working.
The initial rose by the lecturer
Sweet and simple...
A sugar spiral... me likee!
My rose...
Working with sugar, would be dealing with temperatures as high as 150C and reheating it under the lamp, usually ends up numbing nerve endings, so the fingers are basically "senseless". It is hard, especially in our humid weather, to make something decent. Of course, I say that purely in my defense. *grin*
The sad thing about sugarwork, is that it takes a lot of thought and expensive equipment to make, as well as planning, skills and artistic flair, but it can only survive about 3 hours in our weather due to the humidity. So, in typical fashion, I'm so reluctant to let go, and am more willing to let it slowly melt away in the freezer. *sheepish smile*
So yeah now, listening to Hujan, I'm thinking of tahan'ing, so I won't get unhealthy amounts of sleep. But then, the cool bed is so welcoming. I think I shall start a little nap. Which, in my case, has plenty of overtime. :DOk, I'm officially retyping most of my words.. I think its TIME.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
When All Else Fails... Pick On Me.
In a way, I'm damn glad we didn't go to Chili's, ergh. We ended up at Laundry, the only redeeming qualities are not-so-that-ergh food, yummy Creme Brulee, music and the booze. So, luckily, the kitchen was re-opened, thanks to our drinking chocolate Buddha (but gawd, how the kitchen staff musta mogok-ed. I feel their pain.) so we had our din-dins. Not enough though, but, okay la...
That night, Estranged played, and of course, left their crowd-pleaser for the last. Not really a fan of, but "Itu Kamu" is damn nice. Of course, thanks, Shahir, for playing it at work live. As well as, singing it everytime you see us. Lagi addicted la. And I mistookens that other song I was looking for, and ended up swearing,
"Motherrrr.... turbo-charged my ass. Hutan also cannot find."
Then I found out, actually, it's by HUJAN. *blush*
If I can't get it now I know, lagi mogok.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
My Heart Is...
Feeling a little down right now, hence the silly rhyming. :P I keep thinking of all the things I could've done differently, and I know that even though I'm happy with my life right now, sometimes, we love asking ourselves that big mighty ???? question
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Hilarious Hints Hit Harder....
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
It IS time to celebrate!!
Everyone's been getting new houses lately.... My gram's new happening condo near to Queensbay, Eileen, us... But I have to say, my granma's place rawks! Mann... I gotta post up the pics..
Right now, getting ready to go for JackJiek's farewell dinner... wish it would be at Ampang Thai BBQ, but..... it's gonna be at Chili's. Never mind... got aircond and can smoke and drink. Enough la... will come back and post pics and update more! *tummy rumble* Hunger strikes!!!
*skips off*
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Boredom & Booze
Technically speaking, I have been drinking every day since I got back from Singapore. Which is sooooooo gooooooooooooooood. *grin*
Today, I woke up with a great sense of loneliness. IanPenguin had gone off to work as usual (I don't know how he survives) and I was damn hungry. Like, I could eat a pregnant hippopotamus one shot-hungry.
Emo-ing, I was talking to EdmondYabah, who incidentally, was emo-ing as well, about work. First day at work, and he wants to challenge the manager to a grilling competition. o_0
Don't ask me, ask the hot-headed, Sabahan chef.
Finally, I kinda got the hint through to him that I was hungry AND lonely for dinner, and so, we rallied up everyone and met up at Asia Cafe. Damn long since I've been there!! And the Jumbo Juice went from RM5 to RM5.50. Motherrr......
Had OChien, which didn't have enough chilli and that pisses me off big time, and Korean Pork Chop which I only ate half, and I got 3 measly french fries, a scoop of coleslaw and a big chunk of fried rice. I only ate the porkies and the coleslaw. Left the rest. Ish. Now, I'm hungry again.
After dinner and a large Heiney, went to play a few games of pool upstairs. Noone to gawk or gossip about, so boring... Then PhilThePill comes up to me and says, "Eh, I wanna drink la..."
Immediately, my eyes *light up*
"Come over la. I've got a bottle of wine. And some more whisky." ^.^
So anyways, just now, PhilThePill and JackJiek came over, and we started talking about molecular gastronomy/nutrition (macam la big time konon) while munching on Twisties and chunks of Cheddar. They left about 4am after all the typical BS booze brings along....
I came upstairs, had a nice bath, checked Facebook and now, I'm just waiting for Ian to come back.
Thing is, I'm hungry again!!
And super gian-ing the Roti Bakar Telur Mata Kerbau from Makbul. DAYMMIT!!!