Sunday, June 27, 2010

Project Blonde: Episode Cinq

OK. This should be my last torture of my rambut-rambutan for this project, which, I am quite happy is ending, after all the peroxide fumes and sore scalp I've been enduring. This is the last step towards that platinum, white-blonde which I want to have.

Last Saturday, I went to spend some time with my Granma and I dragged IanPenguin along mercilessly, despite him being tired (sleeping 5 hours, compared to my 3), because, I was afraid my grandmomma wouldn't recognise me. And I was afraid that she'd get the shock of her life. Instead, she went,

"OH! *chuckle* You Mat Salleh girl!". I think I scared the maid more.

Before that, we stopped by this small shop in Putra Heights area, looking all so desolate and dead (no offence), to buy cucumbers for my Kerabu Timun I was making for lunch (Acid test with Grandmother Judge). I walked in and the guy stared at me, and asked me if I wanted 5 kilos of cucumbers. I felt kinda shy, when I just took one medium one, and said that that was all. Then, as he weighed it out, he asked me, "Are you from Malaysia?" And I was like, *blush* "Yes." Then he said, "Oh, you look like Mat Salleh."

Before going to the house, we stopped by for some pick-me-upper drinks at a nearby kopitiam. I tell you, going blonde is absolutely not for the faint of heart, in ALL matters! The whispers and stares I got... tsktsk. And, not only that, IanPenguin actually had to pick the table right smack in the middle of everyone, next to the most obvious gapers, 3 guys from some service workshop. Immediately, they started discussing my tattoos and hair, and they said, "I think she's Japanese." Another went, "No la, I think she's mixed Mat Salleh." And that was when I tuned out and started hiding behind my almost invisible bangs. Then IanPenguin jolted me out of my daze, "Why you acting so weird? Relax la!" So, I ended up looking lansi. Needless to say, I gulped down my drink, and of course, walking back to car, and putting on my seatbelt, through sunglassed-eyes, I saw everyone turning, looking, wondering, whispering and discussing. GEE.

So yeah. My last tribute to the process. And now, to face the journey.

But, you know what? I'm having fun. Being blonde is not really about the colour, it's more about the extreme change of colour, the jump from one end of the spectrum to the other. It's a shock sometimes, seeing myself in the mirror albeit very refreshing. (Even more excuses to be vain and spend time in front of the mirror, teehee)

Well, for you all out there, who'd like to attempt a radical hair colour change, here's my little colour chart of my hair, from the first attempt, right up until now. Of course, results depend on whether you've dyed your hair before or not, condition of your hair, as well as the texture, thickness and original colour. Do let me know what your adventure turns out to be...

And have fun! It's not the colour that's important, it's how you carry yourself. Be confident, smile and speak Malay (esp. you future Blondes). It'll definitely confuse everyone. *grin*

Happy days people!

Mary Lin Mun Low

Saturday, June 26, 2010


I want this soooooo badly, I'd be so ashamed to verbalise the things I'd do, in my head, to get this. omgomgomgomgomg.

Screw Russ Noble. No, erm, I mean, UNscrew him because I'd screw Eddie Izzard anytime.

And if only I could wake up every morning to this, I'd wake up more often.



Screw you for being judgmental and snobbish. I'm saying this anyway I want! HAH!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Project Blonde: Episode Quatre

Lighter and lighter... and I believe, I've got one more run to do to achieve the colour (or absence of colour) that I want.

Good stuff: EdmondYabah is back! :D Had drinks with him and YangYang at Loft57. Talked until 6am *bleary-eyed*, slept about 7something, got up at 12noon for lunchies with IanPenguin's parents for Father's Day. Gosh. In the wise words of MommyNesha, my neighbour, there are 40 million people in Empire waiting to get into Chili's. Lagi lah on Father's Day, Sunday lunch. Bah.

SirGerald next door called me an albino-GT-Queen lookalike. EdmondYabah calls me Kam-Mor and AngMoh. *lol* Even Ian's parents couldn't recognise me. I have to say, goal, acheived. ;)

So yup, current update:

Friday, June 18, 2010

Project Blonde: Episode Troix

Gosh, this is getting on my nerves. Becoming platinum blonde is an impossibly time-consuming, heart-pounding and not to mention... attention attracting process. IanPenguin called me the Monkey Goddess. You guys see and judge for yourselves.

*prays fervently for redemption by Episode Quatre*


Saying Thank You to my assistant stylist.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Project Blonde: Episode Deux

For one to go blonde, one must first go orange.

Or if, you were nice enough, you'd say I'm strawberry blonde. Less blonde, more unripened strawberry.

Pics as follows:

Another shot of Before:



 I actually had a flash (in this case, a long flash, that would make it more of a thought/dream or maybe it was a flash, considering how many situations I can see in split seconds in my crazy brain, but anyways, AMNTT strikes again) that I had to go running to the nearest saloon, since I'd botched my dye-job, and when they TRIED their best to cover up the uneven roots and at the same time, achieve that ash-platinum blonde effect I was after, after, of course, giving me the disapproving looks that meant, "Haven't seen a disaster like this in ages. Thought the whole DIY@home phase is sooo last century" and "The colour won't suit her at all, but, looking at that horrific job, the only blonde we can go for is lighter." And, they did not even reassure me, in fact, I bowed my head down in shame and submission. And when they were finally removing the foils from my head, it all came out in bunches. Not the foil. My HAIR. Bunches of lovely, platinum blonde.

Thank God the alarm rang/Ian spoke/soap fell/door closed/rain started/lightning struck/ciggie finished/keypad locked/etc and broke me out of my horrific 'reverie'.

Advantage of this whole situation is that, I have, for once, got something in my head, and have put my heart in accomplishing it. I know, I know. Concentrating such efforts elsewhere in my life would work wonders, but alas, I am easily distracted by affairs of adventurous vanity. La Recherche de la beauté. I do not know why or how right my French is, but I shall persevere! Mais oui, mon ami, j'en suis sûr! And when that time arrives, toi et moi, nous allons parler, ça va?

And in order to keep my ego in check, I shall post up pics, regardless of flattering or not results, to forewarn whosoever out there, who plans to go blonde. Of course, I'm not stopping anyone. I'm sure, you guys would just go to a proper, professional skilled stylist. I feel like doing it myself, because then, I can see and suffer the results and phases I have to go through and push myself to go ahead. If it was someone else doing it for me, I'd be bitching from heaven to hell, if they botched it up. And the immediate effect of it would, I think, be more disastrous to my ego than this self-induced peroxide-addicted affair.

OK. Goals for this short short holiday!

1. Go blonde. Duh.
2. Learn French & German. (career purposes)
3. Get well rested.
4. Do more research for my dissertation.
5. Hopefully, get a buyer and a new lappy in return for my *sshh* jinxed laptop.

And, I'd just like to add, I am going blonde, for some reasons:

1. Niggling curiousity of whether it is the effects of peroxide? or
2. The absence of melanin that causes TBS (The Blonde Syndrome)
3. And also to just see if Blondes really do have more fun.

I know, I know, it doesn't apply to Asians. But still, I like the whole idea and warning! I might go totally Len Grossman on you guys. And create an alter ego team blogging member. oooh... *contemplation*

Ssshh... Don't tell mommy I've gone blonde.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Project Blonde: Post-Episode Une

I have gone and bought meself some hair bleach.. wanted to go for the "Ultra Light Blonde" bleach, but the words, "Clean Blonde Colour" and "Control your colour by time" kinda scared me. I stood there, contemplating, if I was to do it or not. But then again, I want to go blonde at least once in my lifetime. Then I thought, I should put it in, and do some housework. Then, it scared me. What if I went past the time limit, ended up with Kentucky Fried Cuticles and a super Sungei Wang look? So, I shall do this later... with a stopwatch and Ian, for moral support. If, I blog a little more often (given the fact that I already have internet at home) then, it might mean, that I am hiding away at home, waiting for my hair to recover for a coverup with brown. :-O But, in the name of consequences of vanity, I shall still post up pics (and maybe take them down later, in a fit of remorse) on this blog. Just to teach myself a lesson, (Hey! Why am I being so negative before I've even done it?) or for research's sake, to document my little foray into Anime-world.
Funny thing, which VishalTengapoo witnessed, I was trying to show him and look for, at the same time, pictures of asians gone blonde. Of course, there's this one gorgeous girl, RIP Daul Kim, a Korean model who went blonde and looks like Cecilia Chung. Granted, I do not look like her and never will, so who knows what freak of mother nature I'll end up looking like. I ran into Kimora Lee, looking like an orange Barbie and then I saw a few promising pictures, opening them in new tabs. After they loaded, I opened up the tabs, and both me and VishalTengapoo went, "WHOA!" .

It was all naked asian pornstars with their boobs hanging out. YEEKS! My hand immediately went to the screen, as there were this bunch of old uncles behind me, watching the World Cup games. OK, so I'm sure, first impressions don't sound too good eh.. Pornstar or Anime. But persevere, I shall! I shall play songs by Blondie and Marilyn Monroe for reinforcement. And pray. :)

So, Project Blonde starts today, roughly at 10pm. And we shall see. If all goes well, I shall not go back to Penang. Because my dearest Mommy will scream at her daughter's loss of natural colour. The last time, I had to bleach my hair terribly, was when I was having my post-PMR holidays, in order to achieve a nice purple colour. Purple came out well, but as the stylist warned, it was prone to running out faster than other colours. I was soon left with gold streaks in my already-brown, further lightened hair. Mommy dearest insisted I dye it brown again, because she said, I look too A2A9 (Ah Too Ah Kau - Pig & Dog, the deragatory terms for Ah Bengs in Penang). *lol* Mommy dearest... I am going that way now. But more, towards the Hollywood Blondes Have More Fun rather than the Shi-Pu-Shi'ing Blondes Have More Grammatical Mistakes equivalent.

OK. *Deep breath* I am doing it ! DO IT LIKE I MEAN IT! LETS DO THIS!

*skips off to satisfy my peckishness to find that IanPenguin has finished all the Oreos. WTH*

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Project Blonde: Episode Une

As of late, I've been making super blonde comments, and I've always been having this niggling deep desire of turning blonde at least once in my life. So instead of being an itchy yam (direct Hokkien translation) or something like that, I shall start on a going blonde trip for the holidays.

Tomorrow, this shall be my first trip down the lane of blonde-ness... I shall go 3 shades lighter.. Only consolation is, that once I'm super blonde (hopefully, I don't fry my hair), I get to dye my hair Super RED. So, I shall update this, with pictures, of my going blonde moments. Soddied pants welcomed! :D


Before Pics:

My Blonding Kit:
During, when I was freaking out:

And end result:

For all of you out there, who expected Blondie in Run 1, let me reiterate. I cannot do it in one go, for fear of becoming a Kenny G gone wrong clone. So, it is to be done in stages, with tons of vitamins in between, and of course, the balls of the extent of the current World Cup craze.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


These are some of the things that distract me.... looking through my favourites on Youtube, I got distracted again. :)

1. Adam & Eve

2. Amazing Art! Here and here...

3. Those moves look familiar! *grin*

4. My endless obsessing on Eddie Izzard and stop motion! :)

5. If I had more time and brains, I'd try something like this.

6. This is what you call Semangat Gotong Royong.

7. Impressions always count!

8. And one of my old faves using lovely stopmotion.

9. Love the Hokkien and the Grolsch tee. :) Rethinking the acupuncture.

10. Hockey Jockey!

11. Comedy Central rocks.


*stops layaning myself and goes back to work*

Curiouser & Curiouser

The Probability of something happening on any of the 7 days in a week is very high.


Today was a relatively bad day. But it had it's moments which, I found, quite amusing..

Firstly, upon leaving my half-witted answers for the last part of the Econs paper I just had today, I was told that the Marketing exam was already done with. I was like, WTH?! and ran all the way to the wrong board (at first) only to discover that it was, as I thought, on Wednesday, as planned. *major phew*

Then, I had to go up to the bank and when I was turning into the head-in parking lot, this stupid chingchong pimply woman on my left, was reversing out. And NOT LOOKING. I blared my horn to no avail. So, she basically scraped my car door with her Kenari bumper. Stupid Cow. At first she said, "Sorry ah...". Then when I asked her what she was going to do about it, she got all defensive and said, "It's just a small thing." I said, "Yes, but to repaint the whole damn door costs a lot. This isn't kindergarten." "So what you want now?" she says. So not in a mood to bargain or even look at her another time, what more hear her voice and call her on my phone, my head aching, I just flicked her away with my hand, saying, "Just get out of my sight and learn how to drive." I should've just started sharpening some knives just to get her to pay me straight away.

Then, when I was driving, the tyres were making noise. The alignment was long overdue, and so I thought of getting it done the next day. Mana tau, when I reached home, the tayar actually pamcit-ed. Ian has it in his boot now, nicely hissing away the last remnants of its funky smelling air, so we can get it patched up tomorrow. Not the first time for that silly tyre. Gosh.

Funny moments was when I went to 7E to get some stuff, and when I walk in, the guy was talking to his friend, stopped mid-sentence and said, "Alhamdulila! *some mumbling*" and drops my items and change. Staring follows me out of the store. (wth?!?)

Then this guy who works in Badass Coffee, "Henry" as Ian calls him, who vaguely reminds me of Calvinator, was carrying my fish and chips towards me. I looked up and smiled, because, that's like my only meal so far for the day! And he dropped the cutleries on the laminated wooden floor, which, frankly, does not sound good with reverbrating steel knives and forks. Helter skelter. And then everyone looked at ME. (Is my smile that scary?) My face immediately turned down towards the keyboard, trying to keep my expression straight. And then, he just sheepishly edged the plate on to the table, mumbling, "I.. get.. some more.. er.. I come back..for you..." Walking off, he did a turn and looked at me and went to get cutleries. He took pretty darned long, and came back with a tray full of drinks and actually stood in the middle of the room , debating whether to give the hungry girl her cutleries , or to be practical and deliver the drinks first. I wanted to smile to reassure him, but seeing as that doesn't have very good track record, I just acted blur and kept doing my work. Of course, when they arrived, there was a mini, obligatory, 'oh' of surprise and a thank you, teeth all firmly out of sight. I don't know why, but I feel like the more embarassed one in this situation.

Upon leaving Tropicana, I was of course, plagued by bad traffic and higgledypiggledy driving. Then I realised. It wasn't just the jam. There was this irritating silver Myvi chinese boy P driver, zigzagging in and out. He was at first beside me. And then, he overtook me. Then he swerved slightly, his head slightly cocking to the middle, and drove super slow. I moved to the next lane, swearing under my breath, thinking he was either on the phone, or had dropped his girlfriend on the floor or something. Then he sails up next to me, me being in a slightly slower lane hence not being able to overtake him, staring at me. I was thinking, "@#$%^ this fellow super kuai lan now." And, the whole way to the LDP Furniture flyover, he was overtaking me, and staring in the rearview mirror. When I overtake him, and turn to give him the tut-tut stare, he pula looks in the side mirror, and stares at me when I pass him. So discomforting. It wasn't like that gangster challenging stare. It was just plain Staring.

On the way back, stopping under the flyover, I noticed the raggedy low cost flats on my left, were being torn down. First reaction was, CRAP, did it give way? Then, as I looked, I realised it was all in the name of development. So I just wondered, whether they found any skeletons in the walls, or what it's like to look back at that space where you/someone has grown up and spent most of their lives in, just reduced to dirty walls, rubble and metal. Then this Black Myvi came beside me. Rude to stare, time to expand my kaypo horizons. So, hesitatingly, I looked to my right, expecting more destruction. And saw that quintessential Malaysian banner, you know the one, the yellow, red and blue Hibiscus-like pattern, with it being draped everywhere, hanging off the top ceiling of what looked like a multi-level carpark. Puzzled I was. I mean, it looked really weird, and I was wondering what went through that person's head when he decided to put it there, and that was when I turned back, checking the traffic lights. That was when I realised, that the black-myvi-chinese-guy was staring at me. Like right smack full frontal stare. So I turned slightly and he snapped his attention back to the front. He then did some mini act, of "*huff* Why the lights so long? *huff*" with the pretend stress face. Ok la, maybe he didn't see me face, and just saw a headful of hair. My mind wandered and so did my gaze. Brake lights blinked, and I looked ahead. BAM! He was staring that same stare again. Wth. Freaky.

This time, kau-kau checking my reflection. Maybe I'd grown Shrek antennas or my hair was standing up like Mary or whatever la. Takde pun. Tired, pissed off, bored and having 'turds-at-gate' moment. Maybe it was the combination of all those emotions.

Reaching home, I did a little stalking and found Ian and StinkyTinky walking. Picked them up, because, they were BOTH lazy to continue walking, pffft! and brought them back.

Speaking of weird encounters, on Friday, din-din day, :) Which I shall label as from now on and create a logbook for.. *idea spark* I was in Jaya Grocer, Empire, and was picking out some prawns. Funny, the same sized prawns are labeled as XL in Giant, and as S in JG. Anyways, super fresh, and nice looking ones, then this Myanmar-looking guy speaks to me from behind the counter. My fingers paused in mid-air, "Sorry?" And I realise he just spoke Cantonese. Sorry to all Chinese people out there, Je suis Banane. So I smiled apologetically and say, "Sorry, I don't speak Chinese." So he signals to another guy, outside of the counter, and Guy 2 comes up and says the same thing to me, "Lei oi mai mat yue?" Of course I understood him, but life would have it that I speak disgraceful and extremely laughable Cantonese, so I repeated as above. To stop them hovering, I just kept quiet and started picking out the prawns. So they stood by, in case, I were to ask for anything, chatting to each other over the counter.

To my horror of horrors, I discovered that their conversation was solely about me.

In Hokkien some more.

I lost count of prawns.

Remember me wanting to read people's minds? OH NO. Trust me. It isn't nice being talked about when you are right there. Only one knows what they said. Because I shall not repeat it anymore. *zip*


One who hears all craves deafness or a mute button.

Anyhoos, late night munchies were:
Cream cheese, cherry tomato & basil sandwiches with a dash of balsamico. Pretty nice acchually!

And Nips (with raisins!) Candy coated, chocolate covered raisins are so not palatable. Me likee M&Ms, Smarties and Maltesers. And Mars Almond bars, which they stopped totally! :( and Bounty. And Kinder Bueno chocolate and wafer bars. And Turkish Delight, which I used to hate, are now fantabulous. And After Eight. And that honeycomby one. MM. As well as, the old Cadbury one, with the two wafers, and like, fans of chocolate in between, and is covered in more chocolate. The names eludes my dysfunctional brain. *yum* Anything with Dark Cherry, Strawberry, Orange, Coffee goes with chocolate. Yum. None of that peanuts and whatnots. Hazelnuts and almonds, fine. Raisins, depending.

And the one I just ate, doesn't taste.... so raisiny.


*banishes thought with a squirm and continues mugging those Mktg notes with brain wide shut*

Monday, June 7, 2010

Happy Thoughts For The Hurdles

My Favourite Things to get over those hurdles in life...

Songs that bring back nostalgia, memories both good and bad, wistful thinking and warm fuzzy feelings.

Annie's Song as performed by two kids high on helium, in My Best Friend's Wedding, OH so romantic!*Major swoon*

Earth Angel by The Penguins (I think), dedicated to me a long time ago, sweet memories.
Vienna by Billy Joel, depressing moments

You Belong To Me as performed by Bob Dylan and also The Duprees, sweet moments.

My Hands Are Shaking by Sondre Lerche, wistful thinking

Sunday Morning by Maroon 5, perfect for rainy weekend mornings in that half-light.

Ragdoll by Maroon 5, for heartbreak-mending

Goodnight Sweetheart as performed by Barbershop Quartet, sweet.

For The Longest Time by Billy Joel, sweet.

Black And Blue by Counting Crows, depressing moments.

To Forgive by Smashing Pumpkins, depressed and jaded.

Secret by Maroon 5, sultry seduction.

The Messiah Will Come Again by Roy Buchanan, OH this one is indescribable. It plays the strings in my very core. *shiver*

One For My Baby by Frank, long lonely nights, thinking of someone.

Summertime by Billie & Louis, power ballad moments.

My Foolish Heart by (I'm still trying to find a decent version), for falling in love.

Dancing Cheek To Cheek by Ella & Louis, their chemistry is absolutely divine!

A Long December by Counting Crows, depressing and thoughtful moments.

I Will Talk & Hollywood Will Listen by Robbie Williams, feeling lonely.

Everybody Knows by John Legend, wistful and breakups.

Forever Young by Alphaville, jaded and cynical and wishful.

Live High by Jason Mraz, inspirational.

Whistle For The Choir by The Fratellis, one of the sweetest songs I have ever heard.
*starry eyed*

Always Where I Need To Be by The Kooks

Shy That Way by Jason Mraz & Tristan Prettyman, sweet.

One Headlight by The Wallflowers, slightly down in life.

Little Things by Lily Allen, major breakup tearjerker.

Somewhere Only We Know by Keane, escapism.

Don't Speak by No Doubt, pre-breakup tearjerker.

Don't Look Back In Anger by Oasis, wistful and good when drunk. I must reclaim my title for this one.

1000 Miles Per Hour by OK Go, wistful and thinking of someone.

A Whiter Shade of Pale by Procol Harum, sad and slightly down.

How's It Gonna Be by Third Eye Blind, post/pre-breakup.

Bust Your Window by The Dream & Jazmine Sullivan, the dumping, revenge song.

To Be Surprised by Sondre, sweet!

Modern Nature by Sondre, lovely...

I'll Be Ok by Sondre, depressing, kena dumped.

Hell No by Sondre & Regina Spektor, sweet.

Jam Now Work Later by The Beads, fun times to house clean and dance shamelessly to.

60's TV by OAG, OAG! Come back guys! Same as above.

Suicide Note by Disagreed, depressed

Crumbs by Disagreed, depressed

Mardy Bum by Arctic Monkeys, just to exercise that Brit accent, lol. It's so me this song

Scummy Man by Arctic Monkeys, Ooh Roxanne.

Dancing In The Moonlight by Toploader for singing and dancing along with besties.

I'm In The Mood For Dancing by The Nolans and later remixed by MC Syze, good for dancing and singing with besties too!

Stronger Than Me by Amy Winehouse, Girl Power!

Love Is A Losing Game by Amy Winehouse, for heartbreak

Tears Dry On Their Own by Amy Winehouse, for heartbreak

Dear God by Avenged Sevenfold, lonely, emo moments

Remenissions by Avenged Sevenfold, emotional lead by Synyster.

I Miss You by Blink 182, missing someone post-breakup.

Country House by Blur, fun singing house cleaning and dancing times

Girls And Boys by Blur, fun singing house cleaning and dancing times

Viva La Vida by Coldplay, gives me the shivers about how I'll fare in heaven next time..

Brimful Of Asha by Corner Shop, fun stuff with everyone

Super Bad by James Brown, as used for the Intro to "The New Guy" starring DJ Qualls jiggying his way on screen in socks and shiny red boxing shorts. @.@ I'd attempt his dancing with NOONE at home. Not even Tinkerbell. *blush*

Eleanor by Low Millions, my heart breaks everytime I listen to the lyrics.

Your Woman by White Town, for heartbreak.

Iris by Goo Goo Dolls, reminiscing

Name by Goo Goo Dolls, reminiscing

Whenever I Think About You by Liz Phair, breakup/missing someone

Crazy by Javier, sweet methinks.

Hey Ya by Outkast, the phrase, "Lend me some sugar, I am your neighbour" is just ****ing BRILLIANT. *swoon* Cheeky!

Stay by Lisa Loeb, breakup regrets

Keep On Loving You by Dweezil Zappa and also by The Donnas, cheesy and nice to sing with besties

Walking on the Sun, Can't Enough Of You Baby, All Star by Smash Mouth, fun singing with besties.

Why Can't We Be Friends and The Impression That I Get by Mighty Mighty Bosstones, fun for warming up vocal chords

Our Time Is Running Out by Muse, for pre breakups.

I Don't Love You by My Chemical Romance, pre breakups.

O Holy Night (Acapella) by N Sync. Absolute Pure Brilliance. It hangs right There. In the air.

I'm Just A Girl, Sunday Morning, Spiderwebs by No Doubt, for Girl Power and Shouting your lungs out.

Wonder Wall by Oasis, Brit moments.

Lump and Radio Killed The Radio Star by Presidents Of The United States of America, for fun singing house cleaning and dancing.

Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen, either to sit in awe at the complexity of the progressions, or not, feeling operatic karaoke moment coming on.

Amerika by Rammstein, for the living out my Zombie fantasies.

Mmmm Bop by Hanson, for fun times with besties

I Will Come To You by Hanson, for slightly down moments.

Let It Whip by SR-71, for those shameless booty shaking moments, with besties for laughs.

So Lonely by The Police, great jam song! and Dancing too..

Santeria by Sublime, for dose typa times man.

Institutionalized by Suicidal Tendencies, for those hormonal moments. Oh great stress reliever. Just make sure that there's noone around, or if there is, make sure they really, really, really love you for who you are.

Let's Ride by HED PE, preferably yourself or your very open-minded friend, for those 'hood moments. If ever you get them... *ahem*

I'm Blue, Woo Hoo, The Barracuda, Woolly Bully and basically anything by The 5,6,7,8's is Awesome Girl Rock Power, for singing, more fun with besties, not your crossdressing boyfriend.

I Wanna Hold Your Hand, Love Me Do and Do You Wanna Know A Secret by The Beatles, for some sweet, bubblegum-popping old school lovin'.

Racun Dunia by The Changcuters, if you somehow decide to hate womenkind. But it's fun to dance and jump on sofas with.

Cry Me A River cover performed by The Cliks. CHECK THIS OUT. OMG. It's a damn nice version. Girl Power too!

Somebody Told Me, Mr Brightside by The Killers, Brit-accent moments.

In Love by The Kooks, a funny little song, about loving the girl for who she is. Infact, loving Every girl. o.O

Hey Ms. Hilton by The Penfifteen Club, good to sing along if you know the lyrics.

ANYTHING by The Ramones is AWHHHSOMMMME! Great for drinking, singing, dancing, whatever mood you're in.

(I Hate) Everything About You by Three Days Grace, which should be the time frame you give your cheating partner, before you either mentally chop off any important parts, or just walk off and get a better looking replacement.

Zebrahead's cover of Wannabe is fun watching Ian rap. For one who mumbles in normal speech, he raps this fast this well. o.O

OOH. Mash Ups That Rock:
Basket Case & Country Boy
Mash up Green Day & Nelly. Me likee!
I know, my choices are a bit weird, and of course, not complete because all my unique-personality-songs are still in my Mac. :)

Disclaimer: Does not bear any responsibility for misbranding any of the songs/artists. Saya ni blur banyak. Eh.Heh. :-?

*skips off to find more happy dancing songs for a good playlist for tonight's din-din!*
*and comes back and realises that the list was originally emo-wistful which then became anything sajasaja.*

*smacks forehead*

And for movies now...Muahahaha....

Grandma's Boy, for everything! It's my #1. Scene of note: Nick Swardson's awesome DDR Moves.

The New Guy, for DJ Qualls still being geeky even after the Prison makeover. That's why you guys are still in Prison.

The Longest Yard, for Nelly's acting and the cheerleading squad, going, "Give me a D!*clapclap* Give me an I!*Clapclap* Give me a C!*clapclap* Give me a" "Okay.. OKAY!" interrupts Sandler. Minute 1.41 of this.

Emperor's New Groove, for Everything! Booyaaa.... "Llama Face!"... David Spade, I LOVE YOU. You are so farny.

Napoleon Dynamite, for his unceremonious dance routine stage exit, when the music stops. *rotfl* and Pedro!

Accepted for the guy who "want to blow things up with the sheer power of my minnnnd!"

Beer Pong, Road Trip, for the Super cool beerpong tricks, the cute stoner, and the lame song which is still stuck in me head, "In the buff, in the buff, Girl it's not so tough, singing it in the bu-UFF!"

EEEEK... *screeeching halt*
Quite Blonde ar the choices.

*shrugs* Oh well...

Monster's Inc., for Sully's fainting scenes *Rotfl* and the last part which, Omg, makes me cry everytime! And I've watched it like.... 10 times d. I know...I'm quite sissified. Sucks to be you.

Mary Poppins, for the part where they jump into the chalk painting and the room that clears itself up. *grin*

My Fair Lady, for all the singing and waltzing and swearing, "Move yer bloomin' arse!" *rotfl*

My Best Friend's Wedding, for the scene with Annie's Song. Absobloominlutely romantic. *swoooon*

My Little Mermaid, thanks to PammyPoo and Evelayn for reminding me of my childhood mermaid ambitions.

Jane Austen Book Club, for the dishy, ever-so-swooning romance between Hugh Dancy & Maria Bello. *swooon* (again)

Troy, for Brad Pitt's maaaajor V and Eric Bana. *drool*

Harold And Kumar, for making racism funny, the racist coppers' quips and their unfortunate circumstances. *rotfl*
(P.S. I am not racist, I am tidakapa-cist.)
(And as I post this, there's this Harold & Kumar-esque pair right next to me, just back from UK, and "Kumar" really sounds like Kumar. *rotfl*

Role Models, for the chemistry between stars, Paul Rudd & Sean William Scott.

I Love You Man, for Paul Rudd's "street slang".

Drive Me crazy, for dishy Adrian Grenier and Ali Larter for being the mean, hot girl who only "laughs on the inside".

Clueless, for the ultimate romantic attraction between Cher (Alicia Silverstone) and Josh (Paul Rudd, again!). *sigh*

The Mummy, for the yummies!

Blast From The Past, for Sissy Spacek and Christopher Walken being the sweetest couple ever. *awwww*

Honey, for Jessica Alba's awesome dance moves.

Dan In Real Life, for that tormented, one-time love of your life scenario. Well played.

The Mask, for the wonderful Rhumba dance.

Grimm Love, for a wonderful depiction of an otherwise misunderstood albeit morally-skewed love between two men.

Superbad, for Fogell. If only I was a hormonal adolescent, you'd be my King!

Seaquest, if anyone remembers, for yummy Jonathan Brandis. I still remember him. RIP Blue Eyes.

Shrek, for the wolf in Granny-clothes doing the Wave to Freak Out, the painted poster of Sir Justin (Timberlake), and the accurate observation of the proliference of Starbucks outlets.

Saw, for it's mind-twisting gore, not mindless, mind you.

Turistas 1 & 2, for the ultimate girly revenge.

Thank You For Smoking, for the power of skills of persuasion.

The Invention of Lying, for the sake of honesty. :)

Beerfest, for being inspirational in friendship and in stomach-capacity.

Ocean's Eleven, for a dorky, bumbling Matt Damon, and the ever-adorable Eddie Izzard

Ms. Congeniality, for Sandra and her chant, which I do until today, and Michael Caine, being so dashingly suave, British and gay at the same time.

Gattaca, for the handsome Jude Law and the sheer chilling brilliance of the entire plot.

Snatch, for Guy Ritchie and Brad Pitt's awesome portrayal of a Pikey.

London, story of my life! where Jason Statham 'as 'is accent up fullblast and the awesome loft.

Van Wilder, for Ryan Reynolds and his awesome parties.

Lock, Stock & Two Smoking Barrels, which, same as Snatch, wonderful direction, plot and Jason actin' al' in 'is own. lol. Bri'ish.

Bend It Like Beckham, for Girl Power and how the older sister swears, "Aheoow.. You're a real caow.." Paki-Brit slang. lol. (not being racist, just keeping to the context)

She's The Man, for Amanda Bynes' absolutely endearing and humourous performance as a boy.

Gia for Ange.

Girl, Interrupted, for Ange.

Edward Scissorhands, for Johnny.

POTC, for Johnny.

Hopefully more when my brain comes back from holiday.
And when my memory gets discharged from rehab.


Angelina Jolie, for taking on complicated emotional characters and still being hot, despite lack of hair/makeup/sanity

Johnny Depp, for the weirdest characters and still hot, despite the tons of hair/makeup/insanity

Christopher Walken, for being so suave, attractive, uber-dashing, and sounding the same in every movie with that unmistakable squeaky, hiccup-inducing accent

Cate Blanchette, for smooth skin, a magical ability to turn younger/older,and awesome acting every single time! She deserves more credit!

Jude Law, for great acting, despite his face getting in the way of everything

Michael Caine, for being posh, and irrevocably attractive as only an insolent old-tosher can be.

Jason Statham, for bringing the action and humour despite his muscles and accent getting in the way of everything.

Helena Bonham Carter, for taking a lot of villainous roles, and doing a bloody good job looking pale, malnourished and strangely attached to Johnny Depp, whichever movie he acts in.

Thankyeeewvellymarchuu for making it so far. ^_^

*dawdles off slightly blonder than before*

Of Cracked Minds & Breaking Hearts

So much is going on inside my head, my heart that I just want to explode. No, Implode more like it. Like, the days for me ahead, stretch ahead sans sunshine and pretty thoughts. It is now time, for Counting Crows and Smashing Pumpkins to play on shuffle-repeat.

I cannot, express my self. Too apathetic to type.
Sickened. Depressed.

What if a person is depressed to a point where one's characteristics turn into the total opposite? From cheerful to introvert. From outspoken to timid.
Would that mean, that person is depressed? Or has depressive qualities?
Whereas if a normal person were to have those naturally, would that person be classified as depressed or normal?
Are changes in personality a sign? Why can't a person just change?

I feel weird. I feel uncomfortable in my own skin.
This post rings so empty.

Maybe it's that time, where that little spark goes to sleep again.

I went walking in a mall, and I practically floated around *ring the alarms, people, you know who you are* and everything seemed so trivial. Just little distractions we play for other people, to make this passage seem a little less pointless and give us the illusion that it's never going to end.

Buy that dress, go on, put your kid on that little whirring ride so you can waste 10 minutes of your life, electricity and oxygen, watch that movie, deadeyes, light bouncing off those wells of opaque black, kiss that boy and escape from disapproving glances because you're young and supposedly have all life ahead of you, go on, eat that same old engineered and additive-packed crap from that greasy plastic bag just like all your similarly-dressed friends around you, talk away about you you me me us us, go have dinner, a "nice one" with jaded waitresses and tired cooks in the background, where everyone can't wait to take your money, can't wait for you to go home.

Fluff. Mere Fluff. Like unwanted lint on the couch. Even Spot the dog leaves it alone.

Brush it off, and throw it away. More fluff, come my way!

It never ends does it. The dog dies, the couch gets thrown out, owners move away and grow old.

But fluff, lint, dust and dirt are here to stay.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


OH... this is one of my secret indulgences. Writing E cards. And of course, it was sparked off by reading them darned brilliant cards.

If you haven't seen them, please do!

They are absolutely divine, and I occasionally jot down my self-claimed "brill insults" and post'em on a lovely pastel-coloured card, to have them voted for, looking all glorious in their leetle windows. *beam*

HAH! Trust me. Once you're hooked, you cannot stop.

Unless the editor asks you to because your cards are too lame for such a witty website.

A chance to flex that ever-sharpening wit and tongue, for free and for public scrutiny is just something not to be missed.

I myself, have expressed some sentiments to certain people using those cards. And you know what? It has actually made more frank and straightforward about my reasons and feelings about people and situations. Screw the oblique and subtle comments! Sometimes, people just have to know why you're doing this and that!

Best part, I think some people have just thought me to be more polite and even hilarious. So.. I guess, I am funnier and nicer than I thought, when I'm actually honest.
*mock horror*


If so, I deserve more readers. *LOL*

My Fortune7000

I have decided that I shall launch myself wholeheartedly into this dissertation that I have decided to undertake. It is not an easy task, but it does look promising. I guess, all I have to do, is read and read and read and read (easy!) and then organise my thoughts (very hard for a scatterbrain like me!) and then launch into Nobel-Prize-author-mode.
Hmmm, I could seclude myself in a log cabin in the woods, and then encounter a brash, crazed-looking country farmer who claims that my last published success was ripped off word-for-word from his own book and proceed to go into a battle of minds, horror-house settings and whatnot.

*brrr! that's my scatterbrain for you* :)

Oh.. it looks so formidable! The dreaded 7000 is nothing compared to the rough estimate of >25000 words I'm supposed to choke up to have an extra few letters behind my "title" when I graduate. Barter and trade-wise, that isn't much of a bargain. But, as BurgerKingKrishna and I said, "We asked for it."
Suckers for punishment.

Well, let's see how the next 6 months go.

*gazes into murky crystal wine glass*

"I foresee... stress, a lot of unnecessary and procrastinating blogging about how one should stop procrastinating and start work, and a mysterious encounter in August." :)

*proceeds to fill up that glass with more wine, because we all know a glass half-full is still half-empty*