Looking back through so many old photos and all the good times we had together with our friends, I really wonder, how they feel watching us break up, and they just never said/did anything to help us solve our problems.
It's like watching a car crash ay? It's gruesome yet you can't stop staring and talking about it, and you're so glad it didn't happen to you.
Screw all you "friends" out there. You can never realise how much pain the both of us are going through. Instead you try to medicate him with girls, booze, parties and all that fluff. There's only so far you can push him, until he steps off the edge and falls and realises what I realise now - that true friends don't do that.
Ergh. Whatever.
I love Ian like he's a brother to me. And to be honest, it would be childish of me to ask him do such thing i.e get other girls, booze and party like shit. In honesty, I advised him to discover what he wanted in his life and how to forgive and forget. It's unfortunate what happened to both of you. Hope you will get through this. Sincerely.
ReplyDeleteHey Azraai, I realise it was a very sweeping statement, but I was thinking about other people, whom I know better and longer. This is just me venting, since I have noone to talk to. I am glad there is someone who's sincerely there for him and while he is still looking for that spark in his life - I know he will find it. Getting through this is another story... but thanks man.