Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Speechless - the very rare occasions of my life

I am speechless, really I am. This whole thing I had in mind for my thesis, is now falling apart before my eyes.

I'm not contesting what my advisors are saying, it's just that... I am really really lost right now. I am actually stumped. I may not end up with a solution to problem.. I think I'm just going to end up a mere reporter of a situation chockful of facts that already have been proven.

*groan* fml.

What now.... what now?


  1. Time for a detour, I say! Try to dissect your thesis and see if you could develop one section of it as your new focal point. Just my 0.333 cents worth of typing :/

  2. yah... i pared it down to the miniscule details.. and i shall try to be as un "idealistic" as possible.. my advisor says I have these ideals..
    prolly too romantic for the prosaic life. :( So yeahhhhhh.... no worries.. I have chopped my baby into bits, and will reconstruct my unfeeling, robot of a hybrid soon enough. :/
