Hah. Seems like everyone's into blog-reading these days... Again another comment, saying,"Hey I read your blog!" *lol* OK la.... I actually post my thoughts online, what did I expect? *rolls eyes*
And now, somewhere over the rainbow.... someone's going through my mind. Eeeeeerie!
It's like...
I. Am. Walmart.
What was that movie again? Oh yeah, "Being John Malkovich". Of course, to a smaller extent.
So here I am, reviewing icky literature for my dissertation. And, gosh, the more I read, the more I have to read. Ever had that kinda experience?? Well, try doing a dissertation/thesis. Bluegh.
And yes, it is sometimes nice having ex-friends becoming friends again, despite the horrible-ness of the opposite. Hmmm...
OK... I have to start writing! Not my blogs.. but my RM. Gaowrhh. 7000 is SUCH a hurdle. Speshly when you're NOT talking about yourself. :)
Off to work now...
*tries to log off, but keeps the window open for any random thoughts*
(Busy konon.)
Great to see that you are reactivating your blog these days. It can be rather addictive at times.. Tee hee.
hehe.. I know! it's fun though... looking back and reliving those memories, those little moments that I blag about.. :)