The peak of the week, Wednesday, is where I am right now, after a cancelled 8am class and the next class is at 2pm.
How else can I get back those lost hours of curtained, comforter bliss? NEVER.
I have now decided, that every time I write, I shall put in a few things that I should/am looking forward to, just to end on a more positive note...
I have to sit for a dinner, be enrolled in someone's wedding function (not related remotely), prolly go for some video shoot and recreate some dishes for journalists. Good stuff? Not necessarily, because, I have had my fair share of kitchen gear for this month. Looks like you can not only never take the kitchen out of the chef, you can also never take the chef out of the kitchen.
So here, I vent. Here, I am. Listening to jazz amidst the babble of other people, full of life, in the cafeteria. Noise only gets to you when you're lonely. Am I? Nah, besides the fact that I had to run into the wisemen today, of which, is so last season, last post, last rainbow's end. I am so over the fact, that in this world, you lose friends for many reasons. Some of which, to filter out the good from the potentially hurtful to making you a better and stronger person, despite the somewhat decent persons they may have been in your life.
Regrets? Of course. Who doesn't have them? Somewhat wistful, right now, because I started the day on a diet of Counting Crows, which brings back loads of memories, some recent, some so old.
Sigh... I cannot wait for this day to end. I just want to curl up in a corner, force myself to finish up as many assignments as possible (speshly the one due TOMORROW) and just while the time away. *dirty thought: I feel like skipping MPO, but I shall not FFK*
1. Horrible parking in KJ LRT parking.
2. Horrible people in LRT.
3. Having to lug my lappie around for the whole day.
4. Assignments due TMR, this week and so forth.
5. The amount of catching up to do in QM.
6. Dinner. (I don't plan to eat. Nothing holds my fascination for more than 5 minutes nowadays.)
Today's Consolations are:
1. MPO with Eve, despite change of programme. Grr.
2. Possible shopping moments after.
3. Appearance of Tinkerbell, after a momentary hiatus by Stinkerbell.
4. Fluffy pillows with a promise of a leisurely long drizzle in the evening.
Well, time for a meeting for QM. Blah.
*walks off sleepily*
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